Newcastle University (UNEW)
Newcastle University is a member of the Russell Group of leading UK world-class research-intensive universities. The Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle has a particularly strong track-record and reputation for research excellence in the field of Liver Disease, furthering research addressing this major societal challenge. Basic and translational research into MASLD has been a priority area for the Newcastle Liver Group for over 20 years. Members of the group are internationally recognised experts in their respective fields with strong track records for successfully translating basic scientific study of the liver ‘to the bedside’ for patient benefit.
Leadership of the European SLD (NAFLD) Registry cohort study.
Prof Quentin M. Anstee
Prof Quentin M. Anstee is the Chair of Experimental Hepatology and the Dean of Research & Innovation in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, UK. Prof Anstee’s translational research has made major contributions across the pathophysiology, natural history, diagnosis and treatment of MASLD. He has coordinated several major international research consortia studying pathogenesis and developing/validating accurate biomarkers to assist the diagnosis, risk-stratification and monitoring of patients with MASLD including: ‘EPoS’ Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis (EU H2020 funded €6 million, 2015-2019) and ‘LITMUS’ Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis (EU IMI2 funded €47.3 million, 2017-2024).